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heavy metal kitty is into heavy metal |
Me: "Really? Me too. I love heavy metal." *bats eyelashes*
Him: "Cool, cool." *exhales deeply and takes a sip of beer*
I am wearing a dress and high heels and I just told you that I like heavy metal. WHY IS YOUR MIND NOT BLOWN BY THIS? Look around! What other woman is gonna think that talking shop about Slayer's "Reign in Blood" is a turn-on? I'm probably the only girl in here that wouldn't laugh in your face when you disclose your heavy metal affinity and this is the thanks I get? I didn't realize that meeting rad people of the opposite sex into your esoteric music scene was a bore for you. I see.
I wanna put you in a headlock, knock on your dome, and shout, "Anybody home, McFly?" into your ear. You've basically won the "meeting a girl who likes heavy metal" lotto at this stupid party and all you did was shrug and look around the room.
Your disinterest stuns me. I'm stunned. I'm gonna tell the Internet.
Yet another post snatched directly from my life! UGH WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT?
Maybe they're silenced in the awe of your awesomeness.
Haha. Julia, I hope you're right! xoxo
you know, he was probably more worried that it would be a dealbreaker that all he could feel is relief instead of total astonishment
This guy is either a win because he accepts that anyone can like any type of music regardless of their appearance or he's the exactly opposite and thought you were a poser in your dress aka: a fail.
I know for a fact that he didn't think that I was a poser because I met him the night before and he was all over me. I also saw him during the day and I was wearing a different dress and he was super sweet.
So, to see him at a party that night and be weird and not care that i liked heavy metal annoyed me. the end.
Metal heads aren't the brightest bunch for the most part. Chances are the guy was stoned silly. Chicks who dig metal are few and far between. Good looking women (ahem Anna) into metal are even rarer. SLAYEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!
Ladies that like Slayer and can belt out "Last Caress" are hot. No debate.
This is coming from a girl too! :)
THANK YOU, Charmaine!
"Really? Me too. I love heavy metal." *bats eyelashes*
sounds like the biggest load of crap. He probably didn't seem impressed because he was too busy thinking, "Oh, she likes everything that i like. How awesome." and trying not to roll his eyes too noticeably.
I'm not saying you weren't being sincere, but that's just how it sounds.
I'd be stoked. I didn't think such a woman existed.
he was just not that into you. shocking as it may seem.
That dude is total weakness! Nice-looking lady who is down with metal? You're basically Tia Carrere in "Wayne's World" at this point. As a metal dude whose last girlfriend forbade him from playing Priest in the car, I can't emphasize your awesomeness in this situation enough. Thumbs down, eye-rolling bro. Schwing on, Anna.
Under Heavy Manners, that might be my favorite comment of all time!
Hey, thanks! Metal folks need to keep their heads up. We're not all dumb and/or perma-stoned. I wear a cardigan for chrissakes! There are some definite things that would fall under the "Things That Make Me a Bad Boyfriend" category, like "I Will Play Iron Maiden in the Car at All Hours" or "I Will Talk Waaaaaayy Too Much About Sleep's 'Dopesmoker' Album".
I think I can tell you why.
Some guys like to be tough, and enjoy a slightly princess type woman to be around. His tough guy thing makes her feel feminine, and her princess thing makes him feel masculine. It doesn't have to be taken to extremes; there are some women who just really make me feel aware that I'm a guy, and it feels good. It's good when I can make a woman I like feel feminine.
So when metal guy tells women that he likes metal, he's probably more suited to women who find that a bit off-putting, someone who says, "Urgh, how can you listen to that?".
It's like if a woman likes soppy romantic comedies, and a guy says, "Hey, I like soppy romantic comedies too!". It doesn't mean he's automatically in; in fact, it might hurt his chances.
Does that make sense?
Haha, wow this is old.
But yeah, I totally get into metal. REAL metal, not some Slayer shit. Cannibal Corpse? Fuck yeah! Trivium? Tits! Jamming out to unintelligible Rammstein? Oh, baby. Hot metal girls are pretty common around these parts though (Michigan)
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