However. I have never held a guy's hand this way while walking down the street sippin' my morning joe.

Question: Is this a viable way to hold a guy's hand? Have you ever done it?
Second question: Does looking at Taylor Swift give Jake Gyllenhaal a lovey-dovey half-nelson make you wanna puke or not?
I'm still not sure that I buy theirs as a real relationship. Something about it just seems off.
i think it's cute...heartwarming...maybe it's cuz their hands are at his heart. (yes, big cheesy). altho, heights have to be taken into consideration. I couldn't hold my man's hand this way, he's 6'3" i'm 5'7". plus i'm sure they didn't stay this way for long, that would be really hard to walk that way without stumbling. i think this is a real relationship but will be surprised if it lasts, only because she's young.
It's so gross. and no, I don't think its particularly possible to hold hands that way and still progress at a decent rate.
I think perhaps this was just a snapshot of a half way hug...perhaps he said something cute and she reached over quickly for it.
More importantly - what is with his jacket?
I think she was really trying to reach into the grocery bag because she really needs some food - she has bird legs!
ah, a great handholding method for those of us (almost) taller than our boyfriends! i dated a guy for a long time who was like 2 inches shorter than i. it was very embarrassing when we held hands because he would have to keep his elbow bent so that his hand wasn't too far down for me to reach. i felt like the friggin jolly green giant!
anyways, taylor and jake, totally not buying it. but go tall girl!
I actually prefer to take a dude's arm. Handholding is great in a stationary position, but while walking... I usually just get annoyed at trying to stay in sync enough to maintain the proper grip. The best part of this is the look on the guy's face when I unceremoniously drop his hand after about 30 seconds of enjoying it.
My boyfriend made me hold his hands (yes, both of them) in the most absurd way one time. He's 6'2 and I'm 5'2. He put his arm around my shoulders and I held the hand that was draping over my right shoulder. To balance it out, because he's sto much taller than me, I grasp his waist. This is totally normal, but thennnnn, he took his free hand and held it over my hand on his waist. I was like wtf is this twisted bodily arrangement that we're in.
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