
July 7, 2011

Quick Rant: Liking Shy Guys Is A Fucking Curse

Is he dissing me or is he just shy?
Holy shit, is this the worst. His signs for interest and disinterest ARE THE FUCKING SAME!

If he likes me, he runs away. If he doesn't like me, he runs away. If he wants to ask me out, he runs away. If he never wants to hear my name again, he runs away.

If he wants my number, he runs away. If he wishes that he invented a time machine to kill Alexander Graham Bell so that the telephone was never invented so that he'd never have to hear from me, he runs away.

If he wants to dance with me, he runs away. If he wishes he could pull a Tanya Harding and whack my knee with a tire iron so we'd never have to dance together, he runs away. If he thinks I'm pretty, he runs away. If he thinks I look like roadkill after getting a makeover at the mall, he runs away.

Given that, liking shy guys is, as the Dude would say, a bummer.


Alexandra said...

^ accurate.
It makes me feel like I'm trying too hard when I try at all with a shy fella.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as one of those shy guys, success is possible. You may have to stand on a sofa (or, in your case, somehow get HIM to stand on a sofa), grab him, and kiss him, but you CAN break through his shyness.

The sofa trick worked on me, at least. We'll be together 10 years in December.

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