Michael J. Fox was my dream guy before I even knew what dream guys were. When I was little, I was obsessed with Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties. He was a jittery Republican who constantly ran his hands through his feathered hair and I was an awkward, chubby nine-year-old; clearly we were a match made in heaven.
For my birthday that year, I went to see Back to the Future at the movie theater. Watching him as Marty McFly was the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life up to that point. Those tight jeans! Those suspenders! THOSE PURPLE CALVIN KLEINS! I didn’t even know a guy’s underwear came in purple. Talk about a gamechanger. It was the first time a boy had made my heart flutter. I'm telling you, Marty McFly skateboarded his way straight into my young heart. I wondered what his neck smelled like and what it’d feel like to squeeze his thigh the way Lorraine did under her parents’ dining room table. I wanted him to gaze at me the way he gazed at the 4 x 4 truck at the end of the film. I wanted to know. I needed to know.
After I saw the movie, I plastered my walls with Michael J. Fox posters which I’d eagerly tear out of Teen Beat magazines. He was in stereo, smiling at me from all sides of my bedroom. A million Michael J. Foxes hovering like attentive, friendly boyfriends. Whip our your hankies because let's just say that it was a longshot to take our imaginary relationship to the next level. Unfortunately, I’d have to settle for a crush. Boohoo, I know.
I've already written about how I love dating shorter guys, and looking back, I can say that it all started with him. And, my adoration for him hasn't faded in the slightest. In fact, I still have a Michael J. Fox poster on the back of my bedroom door. Whenever I move to a new place, it's the first thing I post up in my new bedroom. That's how I know I've settled in. Home is where the Teen Wolf poster is. I should needlepoint that on a pillow. Here's a picture of me in front of it:
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Look what a cute couple we'd make |
HOW COOL WAS THAT VIDEO? So cool, right? Because Michael was such a big part of my life during my formative years and because I'm so inspired by his work, I plan to partner with Team Fox and his foundation to help raise money for Parkinson's research. It's gonna be awesome. So stay tuned for updates because with our help, we can make a difference!
Its cool but he should have a restraing order against you
That's hilarious!
I felt the same way about him growing up...and also saw Back to the Future in the theater for my 10th birthday! He is a wonderful human.
I love him just as much. Does that make me gay? I dont care if it does. lol
When I first saw this video floating around the Web, I immediately thought of you and how I hoped you had seen it. Then I found out you took it - so awesome!
Ha! This whole thing has been surreal. It's almost at 1 million views! It's just bonkers.
Nice article. Seems to be a very emotive night... Michael rules...
Awesome video, awesome cause! Let me know how I can help...
Wow. This is so awesome. For me, this is ``Back To The Past`` This part of the movie, as well as Alex P Keaton made a huge impact on my life. I wanted to be the intellectual type of Keaton. But then I wanted to be a bad-ass, like he was in BTF 1, 2 and 3. Maybe that's why I am now a business journalist who also plays in a metal band. He is a huge influence on my life, and probably has no idea of the impact he made on society, especially our generation. God Bless MJF
So what happened then?
3 lines to intorduce the story, 4 paragraphs to "back up a bit", then? Where's the rest of the story? The "full story behind the video" you promised on the link on youtube clearly isn't here.
Michael J Fox was my hero when I grew up. I wanted to read more about the event, how did you get there (did you get close to him?), what was being said, what are key issues?
There's a lot of politics involved in scientific research, did they discuss it? Do you want to discuss it? Or the whole story is your crush as a child for him?
It's the first time I stumble upon your blog, so maybe I was expecting something different, in that case my apologies.
I was a HUGE Michael J. fan growing up. Family Ties, Back to the Future trilogy, Secret of My Success, all of it. Surprisingly, Secret of My Success was probably my favorite, most kids my age probably wanted to be cops or firemen or movie stars, something like that. I wanted to be an executive, I wanted to be Brantley Foster.
Michael J. Fox rules, I'm glad to see he is still shredding!
Good good good for you...parkinson's has effected my family more than once and I think you are strong and right to be on the side of Michael and what he stands for - as a crush, as a performer, and as a spokesperson. Thank you.
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