
January 18, 2013

Flippin' Our Shades at Funnyman Wyatt Cenac

Wyatt Cenac is one of my favorite comedians. His delivery is drier than my mouth after I pass out after drinking an entire bottle of Chardonnay, which--trust me--is hella dry. You've probably seen him as a correspondent on "The Daily Show," so you know that there are some hilarious wheels turning in that brain of his. You can catch him performing at the Troc TONIGHT and I highly recommend that you attend. In the meantime, I asked him some questions about girls.
SK: What's your idea of a perfect date? 
Wyatt: I don't know if I have an idea of a perfect date. That probably puts too much pressure on any future dates to live up to that idealized version. I'd say any date where neither person has a prehensile tail is probably a pretty good start.
SK: What do most guys do wrong when they're out with a girl?
Wyatt: Call them "girls?" I hear they prefer to be called "women" or "ladies" or "swoon machines."
SK: What's the worst thing a girl can do on a date?
Wyatt: Murder.
SK: Tell us a secret!
Wyatt: I still haven't seen "Friday Night Lights." No spoilers!
SK: What advice would you give a younger version of yourself about dating?
Wyatt: Don't ask for a second date with a woman who brought her mother to the first one. Regardless of what you think, it will go nowhere...with either of them.
SK: What would you put on a mix tape for a girl that you liked? 
Wyatt: As far as music, maybe some Kids Bop and those albums where dogs and cats sing Christmas carols. If she can get through that and still want to hang out, that's probably a good sign.
This is just a taste of the belly busters he dishes out on the reg.

Like I said, he's performing at the Troc in Philly TONIGHT and you should go!


nikkidelphia said...

I was there with my boy and we had such a great time. Wyatt was amaaaaazeballs!

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