Having a guy who can cook well and wants to cook for you is even better. Sure, they might add a bit too much salt here and there and they burn the toast from time to time, but they look so cute fluttering around the kitchen slicing veggies and rifling through their spice cabinent.
The best is when they say they have a "signature dish" that they'll make for you sometime around your third date. As a head's up, it'll take two armfuls of groceries to make it; they never have any fresh ingredients on hand so they basically have to stock the fridge to execute the meal properly.
It's even cuter when they set out nice flatware and light candles to establish the mood. If they put flowers in a vase in the center of the table, we will ask for seconds. Guaranteed. Those little personal touches can make any dish they lovingly prepare taste like filet mignon (or like something off the menu from Horizons, for you vegetarians out there).
Regardless, having a guy cook for you--and cook it well--is the best. And for that, we tip our hats to you!
I met the America's Test Kitchen team in person at Book Expo America two years ago, and I actually froze I was so nervous. So, yeah, I agree with this post!
Having grown up in a family of male chefs, I never realized how rare it is to meet a dude who can cook. It wasn't until the past few years when I seriously entered the casual dating pool (I have had back to back long term relationships for the 10 years before that.) that I noticed how shocked my dates were when I offered to cook dinner.
In defense to dudes though. I have noticed that there are a whole lot of ladies out there who also don't cook more than easy mac. I think that both genders need to step their game up and get a little more comfortable in the kitchen, because the only thing better than cooking dinner for someone, or having dinner cooked for you, is cooking dinner with someone you care about.
Sadly, I learned to cook precisely because I thought it would help me with girls. Like so many other things, though, I realized that a woman will never like a guy because he can cook. She sees it as a great perk in a guy who's won her over, but cooking doesn't win anyone over. It doesn't even bring them any closer to being won over.
Yeah, it is a pretty nifty skill to have. Though I must admit, I'm pretty impressed when I meet a girl who can cook too.
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