Totally! x a trillion. Well, if it makes you feel any better, this happens to us, like, once a week. A dude will campaign for our affection and once they get it, they quit the race. I'm punching a pillow right now just thinking about it.Is it bad to admit that the movie He's Just Not That Into You helped me come to a realization? A few weeks ago, I made the mistake of letting an acquaintance of mine come home with me, although he and his girlfriend had recently broken up. He poured it on thick, saying he'd had a thing for me for awhile, that I was beautiful, yada yada. Everything was great the next day, and we parted on good terms. We decided that in a few weeks we'd go to a movie together. He was busy until then, and I thought it'd be a good chance to give him time to sort out his post-girlfriend life.
Flash forward to the Thursday before our Sunday date. He emails to see if we can switch up our plans to Saturday dinner instead. I have other things on my calendar but I want to be open and so I say sure, and that I'd see him tonight at this show we would both were attending. So what happens at the show? We hadn't yet exchanged hellos but saw each other and did the whole smile and nod thing.
At one point during the show, I turned around and I saw him making out with some random girl. He was engaged in a full-on tongue lathering saliva fest. Even if he didn't see me and he's just "playing the field" now that he's single, as my friends suggested, that doesn't fly with me. I left the bar with my roommate, sent him a quick, "Hey, sorry I didn't see you until you were otherwise engaged" text and canceled our plans. I haven't heard from him since.
So how does HJNTIY come into this? Just like in that movie, my friends said that he didn't see me and that he probably still likes me. But you know what I say? I'm glad I saw that happen now instead of months down the road when I was emotionally invested. He's just not that into me, at least not enough, if he's making out with other girls in front of me. Right? Right.
But, WHAT IS UP with guys? Seriously, it's like I wasn't even considering him until he got me all worked up, just to knock me down. It would be one thing if I'd been the one chasing him but he was totally driving that train. Grrrrr.
Is there anything you want to rant about? Drop us a line at and whip out the bullhorn.
my favorite is when a guy tells you he likes you a lot but doesn't want a girlfriend, and then two weeks later has a girlfriend who isn't you. good times.
WHY DO GUYS DO THAT? Seriously, I want to know. Any fellas out there wanna break it down for me? Inquiring minds wanna know!
If a guy likes you and tells you he doesn't want a girlfriend, he means, he doesn't want YOU as his girlfriend. A girl would do the same thing.
Well, obviously! The part I'm taking issue with is when a guy goes out of his way to tell you how much he likes you but then doesn't choose to date you. It's annoying.
I'm so annoyed, I should start a blog about it. Oh, wait...
This goes both ways. Those with blogs shouldn't, urm, blog.
the same reason you tell a pretty girl on the street that she's beautiful, even though you have no intention of pursuing her and may never see her again: some just need to know.
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