In person, you're rather bitter: You're not nice to our waitress, you didn't complement me on my dress, and you didn't hold the door open for me. In short--and you'll have to excuse my French--you're a dick. It's ok to be a dick every now at again as long as it's not directed at me, but an unfunny dick? Well, that's just not gonna fly. It's like (funny) night and (unfunny) day. What a drag.
As a head's up, you're off my buddy list, Buster. (Btw, that's the wimpiest threat I've ever made.)
[Update: Upon further reflection, I think that I was too harsh in this post. My real concern is the amount of social ineptitude displayed upon hanging out. That's a better way to put it. Regardless of what the deal was, he wasn't funny in person and that's the real tragedy here. I also think that my local grocery story not stocking Pudding Pops is a tragedy, just to give you some insight into how I classify tragedies.]
Agreed, but sometimes they're not jerky in person, it's that they're socially awkward, and the cool, confident, funny side of them is apparently limited to online interaction only. So disappointing...
Yes! Maybe that's a better way to put it. It's more on an issue of him being socially inept than actively mean. Agreed.
I feel like this post is probably more about me than I'm comfortable admitting haha
I think being told this is my greatest fear in life.
Off the buddy list :( *sniffle*
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