Why do these girls do the scaredy cat shuffle? Well, there's plenty of reasons why someone wouldn't wanna date a dude with a kid: Maybe he has a crazy ex, maybe the kid is prone to bratty temper tantrums, maybe it means that you won't get sufficient alone time with him, etc.
BUT there's also something kinda sexy about a dude with a kid, given the right situation. This guy is legally responsible for another human being's life. Some guys can barely feed and dress themselves, let alone someone else. Seeing a dude love and care for another person other than himself is hot.
And, kids tend to bring out the silliness in others. Ever see a guy play with his kid in the park or try to teach her mini-golf with ice cream all over their faces? It's freakin' adorable. You can tag along with them during all the fun things they do like zoo trips, pizza parties and playing hopscotch on a sidewalk without looking like a child predator.
Or, you can nerd out at Chuck E. Cheese's and rock the 3-D glasses at the latest Pixar movie without feeling like a total dork. And, the best part? It's not YOUR kid. You can go home at the end of the night kid-free. So next time someone confesses to their amazing child-rearing talents, give the guy a chance. You might even grow to like the little dude.
Ew, no.
Have you dated a guy with a kid before? I did and my take on it would be the complete opposite of this post.
Having worked with children (note the past tense), I think the appeal of the fun and happy times spent with single dad and child would get old real quick.
as a single dad i've seen that the above responses are pretty much the norm. it's cool though, definitely weeds out the ones that are too self absorbed to give a shit about anything else.
I think (as perhaps your anonymous commenters illustrate) the thing some women find unattractive about a man with a child is the fact that they know they won't have his undivided attention or affection. Or even the majority of it.
Why stop there? Try dating a guy with grandchildren
same goes for single moms. so man-posters, please relax! im sure they understand the stigma, too.
Yes, I've dated dudes with kids. Some experiences were indeed horrific. And some weren't. As I said, it all depends on the situation. Things happen in life. Protective devices can break when you're 18! Fast-forward 12 years and you shouldn't punish people for being mature enough to raise a kid and want to get back out on the dating scene at the same time. Just sayin. As long as I don't get puked on I'll give it a chance.
My girlfriend has two kids. This relationship is by far the best I've ever been in, which is mainly because of my girlfriend, but the kids add some wonderful things. I've seen a lot of great kid movies, had fun at mini-golf, at the park, reading bedtime stories, and just eating cereal and watching cartoons with them on Sunday morning. Sure, they're not easy. They do have temper tantrums--all kids do. They do take a lot of her attention--but then again, I don't need to be the center of my girlfriend's world.
At the end of the day, I think it's both about how ready YOU are and how ready your boy/girlfriend is to handle it. There's nothing wrong, of course, with not wanting to date someone with kids. But I didn't even know I was ready for this, and it turns out I'm really enjoying it.
I know a guy who is not only a DILF (not married), but ALSO a firefighter. Alas, I already have a boyfriend, otherwise I'd totally tap that.
It all depends on what KIND of dad the guy is. Some will really play up the I'm A Dad thing in order to come across as more mature... or torn up... or whatever their game is. I've known guys who have made the 'Sexy Daddy' thing part of their hipster boo hoo cred, and come to find out they see their kids like two days a month. By choice. Dads are not cool or gross because they're dads, they're just people with kids. And some of them suck.
really? for me it's about the kid. what if he or she really hates me? or worse, what if they get attached to me and then daddy and I break up? I care too much about the kidlets to get involved except under some very special circumstances.
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