I see him reaching for something in his pocket as I'm explaining how I came to be here. Is it a harmonica? Is it a meatball sub? Is it an iPad? Nope! It's a digital camera. Alright. Why is he taking out his cam--wait, he's pointing it at us?
So, now I'm scooting to get into the frame and nervously smiling as he clicks away holding the camera in front of us at arm's length. I feel his other arm squirm around my waist pulling me close to him so we are in the shot. What the fuck just happened? Why is this guy taking a picture of us? We just met!
A million questions race through my head: Is he on a dare? Is he on a scavenger hunt and has to find a picture of a bewildered girl somewhere that's loud and dark? Does he have terrible short-term memory like the guy in Memento?
Has this ever happened to you? Guys, have you ever done this to a girl? What gives?
WTF?! Maybe it's just me, but I don't even initiate hugs too much just cause I don't want to be creepy touchy feely guy. This is gross, and creepy.
What's even CREEPIER is that he uploaded it to the Internet the next day and tagged me on it. I seriously only talked to him for five minutes and there we are looking like long-lost buds.
I had another guy do this to me recently and it seemed like he was just taking pictures of himself with any girl. It's...bizarre.
Something like this happened to me on a first date. (It was also our last date.) It's like he wanted to document the fact that he had been on a date with someone.
I had a guy come up to me at a bar, ask if I was single, asked me out for a date next week and asked for my number all within 5 mins of meeting me. Then he pulls out the blackberry and takes a pic of us. I'm completely freaked out by his enthusiasm so the pose starts with me shrugging and shying away from him. THEN he decides to kiss my cheek. Overzealous and annoying.
I totally forgot! A guy did this one our first date, too! I wonder if it was the same dude...
We had just finished dinner then we went to a bar and he started snapping all these pics of us. I thought, "Wow! This guy must really be into me."
Then, he called me four days later and told me he wasn't "ready" to date me. I'm like a) dude, just blow me off. You don't have to "dump" me after one measly date. b) why the FUCK were you taking so many pictures of us together then? Who does that?
I've taken photos of people I'd just met at parties and events when I was taking photos of the event in general and the attendees, but I didn't jump in the photo myself.
I know a guy that does this. He's a nice guy, but I think its kinda creepy. Maybe its just his way of connecting?
re: Guys, have you ever done this to a girl?
No. I'm the one who usually pulls a meatball sub from my pants pocket. I find most party appetizers not to be to my liking.
You can never really go wrong with meatball hoagie. Especially if its got provolone cheese too.
Also salmon in the pocket is good. But not if you're wearing a Santa Beard.
Allan Smithee
It's a fairly routine player move (if somewhat outdated and therefore pointless). Taking a picture typically has the girl want it to be sent to her, so she asks to swap e-mail addresses (and he doesn't have to run risk of rejection). Furthermore, posting pics of himself on FB with lots of girls makes him appear more popular and raises his social status.
Yeah that's a common mistake when it comes to "the game", these guys have these perfect logical strategies mapped out in their heads and discussed on their message boards but the theoretical plan of action has zero correlation with what actually happens, in fact the end result is almost always the opposite of what they hope to achieve. It's just a big horny community of fail.
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