I want to scream in that shitstain's face because I asked if he wanted to borrow my hoodie in case he got cold. It makes me want to claw my face off that I offered him half of my delicious cookie.
When I fucking asked him how his mutherfuckin' coffee was, I was genuinely fucking concerned that it was made to his goddam liking. Is it too fucking hot? Is it too fucking cold? I JUST WANT HIM TO ENJOY HIS FUCKING COFFEE! FUCK EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY IN THIS STARBUCKS BECAUSE I GENUINELY CARE ABOUT HIS ANSWER!
He's adorable, smart, and funny and he needs a swift elbow to his vas deferens for making me want him to have the last cheese fry in the basket. (No, really. Take it. It's all yours.) He needs his scrotum run over by a fucking tractor because I think it'd be cute if we ate a spaghetti like the fucking mutts in Lady and the Tramp. I'd even nudge the meatball over to him so he could have it.
Haha it's even worse in the beginning, when you genuinely want to be nice/sweet but don't want to come across as too clingy. I mean, I don't like to play games, and I'll usually be as nice as I damn please, but some men are weird about things like that.
I was so nice to him, I creeped myself out.
Is this the same guy who snores?
Or is this a new/nother guy?
Allan Smithee
It's another one!
i am still this person and it freaks me out. after 3 years. yikes.
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