However, I have now officially received the most random friend request yet. It's from a guy that I met once TEN YEARS AGO. I was at a dingy punk bar in Chicago and we made out by the jukebox for about 20 minutes. That's it. That was the only interaction we've ever had. The only reason I remember him at all is because he has a stupid name. It was so stupid, I asked to see his driver's license to make sure that it was his legal name. It was. I laughed.
So, I was STUNNED to see his silly name pop up in my inbox. I remember him because of his stupid name, but I have NO IDEA why he'd remember me, much less seek me out. We don't live in the same city anymore. We haven't talked since BEFORE GEORGE W. WAS (arguably) ELECTED. The last time I saw him, the iPod wasn't invented yet and the Olsen twins weren't even legal.
Frankly, I'm not sure if that one interaction ten years ago would support the Internet friendship that he seems to be seeking. In other words, I ignored his Facebook friend request.
What's the most random friend request you've received? Did you accept it? Tell me in the comments.
my first boyfriend's current wife! lurkinnn!
i get a bunch of random dudes in the military that are looking for someone to 'correspond' with via the internet. aka creepin' for nude pics. i've also gotten a request from someone named Centimeter Jovanovich... most ridiculous name award for him.
I don't have Facebook/Myspace/etc accounts, but I was IM'ed by an ex earlier this year. We broke up 11 years ago when I learned she was banging a friend of mine. She contacts me out of the blue wanting to know if I was interested in "reconnecting". There are no acronyms to describe how hard I laughed when she said that.
Got a friend request from an ex's girlfriend late last year. The best part is, this "ex" was really just a FWB situation when we were teenagers - about a decade later and she's adding me on Facebook. I can only think that maybe he didn't realize he was signed into her account and added me, but I didn't bother to find out. I just hit that ignore button...
I'm facebook friends with my orthodontist :)
i just got a request from my younger sister's guy friend from college. never met him or anything. the message he sent along with the friend request said "your sister says you're cold and won't add me. i am trying to prove her wrong."
i added him. now he wants to date me. sigh.
i was getting an mri done on my shoulder, and the guy next to me was getting his knee done. we talked a little in the waiting room, but i was not expecting him to friend me. a full two days later.
I generally accept friend requests, strange or no, if the person seems like they're a real person. I'll bs with them for a bit, and if they're cool, I keep them. I mean, that's what the internet's for, right?
I'm just sick of my mom guilting me into "friending" all my lame cousins. She's not actually doing it. Well... she is... but it's my mom's sisters that are forcing the issue and my mom trying to keep some balance. You friended "so and so" (cool cousin) so you should also friend "so and so" (fucked up cousin who I don't really want to talk to) to keep the peace. Whatever that means. We live 2000 miles apart and I haven't seen them in person in at least five years.
So I did it. Mom's happy. Aunts are happy. Facebook friending makes people happy, I guess.
Uh, oh... I am an Aunt who did this to my kids but only with the cousins they actually want to see.what if Oct.30th is one of those cousins? Maybe not, we are only about 500 miles away...
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