
November 16, 2010

I Love Love Love Guys In Plaid Shirts

Best look on a guy EVER. I wanna pull the shirt to the side and kiss his collarbone. I wanna pop off those buttons with my teeth. I wanna lick maple syrup off his chest. I wanna kick my high heel into a fishtank. I wanna spill red wine on my white shirt. I wanna do a split on a king sized bed. And, I wanna crawl through a hallway with feathers in my hair. Two thumbs way the fuck up for this one.

[Ed. note - Half of this post was inspired by Billy Idol's "Cradle of Love" video.]


Amanda said...

I could not agree more.

Abby said...

Agreed...roll up those plaid-ass sleeves a few times and call it four-play!

exiledindoucheville said...

That looks like Dylan Houser's wardrobe!

Anna said...

OMG, TOTALLY! Hahahahaha.

Jessie said...

I am so with you on this one!

Anonymous said...

Uhm-do u know my ex?ill show u a picture later at the pope-its all he wears-even in the summer!I can't wait to hear what u spin later -do u have any shmittenkitten tshirts?I wld love to rock one while I serve at pope tonight-for anna about to rock(tits),I salute u!-love heather k

Anonymous said...

I would heed this advice, guys. I put this theory to the test yesterday and the results were excellent! I went on a second date that was at a much more casual place than the first. Actually, it was at her apartment! I wore jeans and a plaid shirt (which I even IRONED). Let's just say she grabbed my shirt collar and practically ripped it off she was kissing me so hard. She did the collarbone thing too... which ruled.

Anna said...

*slow clap*

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