
October 26, 2012

Dave Hill Had Me As A Guest On His Podcast And It RULED!

Dave Hill, my podcast homie
I had the pleasure of appearing on the incomparable Dave Hill's podcast. We had SO MUCH FUN shootin' the shit. Here's the description of the episode:
Episode 51 of Dave Hill's Podcasting Incident is here like a motherf@#ker as I sit down with author Anna Goldfarb to discuss her new book Clearly, I Didn't Think This Through, her wildly popular blog, Shmitten Kitten, FDR costumes, Philadelphia, short men, and much, much more. As if all of that is not enough, I check in with Shaina Feinberg and Ian Ball brings the Hot Jamz. For more information on this podcast and other topics of great importance, please visit my website at www.davehillonline.com. Also, follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/mrdavehill. Okay, great.

Be sure to buy Dave's book, Tasteful Nudes, but only if you like laughing.


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