I will literally hold out until the last possible second to check our compatibility in the "stars" because if it says that we aren't a good match, it's a total downer. Where do you go from there? It's right there in black and white: he's an earth sign and I'm a fire sign. Earth and fire? It'll never work! It's out of my hands. Or, maybe he's a water sign and I'm a fire sign: he'll extinguish my fire. No wonder why we bicker constantly.
On the off-chance that it says that we are a sound match, I feel as pumped as if my mom had personally given him her seal of approval. It's like our union has been blessed by the heavens; like Orion himself has given us the go-ahead. How insane is that? I never pay attention to horoscopes otherwise, but when it comes to love matches, I'm hanging on every word.
I've dated all across the zodiac. There are even a few signs I've vowed to never date again. Sorry, Pisces, it's not you it's me. Actually, it's every horoscope I've ever consulted that says that we are a terrible love match. Is that weird? Am I the only one? Are there any signs that you'd never date again? Leave 'em in the comments.
Oh my gosh Anna, I so do the same thing! I will never date a Virgo or a Cancer again (I'm a Sag, so ask me what I was thinking in the first place trying out those signs).
You're not the only one. I don't necessarily believe it, but I still do it.
i live by Linda Goodman. absolutely.
I really can't believe any of this nonsense. Whenever people tell me I'm such a Leo, I just reply with "Whatever, you know I'm awesome. HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME."
I am the same way. If I hear a guy is a Gemini or a Cancer suddenly my friend is calling me and I have to go.
I will secretly judge you for secretly believing in astrological signs. Also: ghosts.
I have a book. It's called "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need."
Shall I elaborate?
Okay, if I meet a guy that I'm really interested in, and I "happen" to discover his birth date, I will go home and very secretly proceed to collect as much data about his personality and our compatibility as I possibly can - astrologically speaking. Then when a guy does something that would normally throw me for a loop, I remind myself of his astrological sign and just what it entails. I say to myself, "Pssh, typical Scorpio behavior" or, "He's a Gemini, no wonder!" Now, I don't necessarily base my dating decisions ENTIRELY on astrology, but I do take it into account.
Cancer guys and Aquarian women should never date. Found that out multiple times long ago. Most of it is a bunch junk, but that really stuck with me.
HAHA i LOVE this post. all of my past noteworthy/insane-o relationships were pisces. i am virgo. apparently this is a formula for disaster according to everything i have read. but the pair *do* make amazing friends. my bff is pisces. shit like that freaks me out...it also makes me feel stupid too.
I should've clarified in the post that two of my best friends are Pisces. I do get along great with them as friends. But, if I try and date one...well, it doesn't go well. It's a total crash and burn.
I, along with Jon, will secretly judge you for believing in astrology, ghosts and various other forms of nonsense. I mean, would you want to keep talking to me after I finish telling you about the invisible unicorn that lives in backyard?
I don't believe in astrology for any other part of my life; just love compatibility. That's it.
What are you, a Scorpio? Because your comment is totally something a Scorpio would say.
Coming from an astrology geek: it's way more complex than just the Sun Sign books make it out to be. There's all the rest of the planets for starters :) (Along with houses and aspects). So if you are writing someone off based on just their sign, don't do it. You could be missing an opportunity. Besides, everyone is a different snowflake and all that. If you want to know a smidge more, there are many entertaining blogs on the internet (ElsaElsa, Michael Lutin's blog, Donna Cunningham, etc.)
Yeah, I dorked out. This is something I should probably tell a guy on the second... never. It is a "man repeller."
But I love me some Leos :)
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