After introducing myself to this dashing gent, I immediately asked if he, "had a girlfriend or what." At least no one could accuse me of not cutting to the chase. *tugs collar*
- When he said that the didn't have a girlfriend, I asked him to dance. We slow danced to "Careless Whisper." As he looked into my eyes and smiled, I squeezed the shoulder pad on his blazer then made an awkward joke about it. What was I thinking? Who does that?
- After our magical dance, he asked if I wanted to step outside and have a cigarette with him. I agreed even though I don't smoke. I pretended to inhale but it was totally obvious that I'm not a smoker. Who pretends to smoke? That's so weird!
- After he asked me a few general questions about my background, I blurted out that I was unable to pay attention to anything he was saying because he was so handsome. Who says that? Our conversation deteriorated after that, surprise surprise.
- And, then, the worst part of all, I tracked him down and ADDED HIM ON FACEBOOK THE NEXT DAY. I AM SUCH A CREEP! It was like an out-of-body experience, watching myself crash and burn so hard. My eager friend request exposed my desperation. I was a self-saboteur of the highest order; I could've written a book called Self-Sabotage for Dummies because I was rapidly becoming an expert. I have never, I repeat, NEVER done the day-after friend request. Just as that guy blamed the sun for why he killed the Arab in Camus' The Stranger, I'm going to blame this guy's luminescent smile for my straight-up insane behavior.
- And, if I hadn't embarrassed myself enough, I waited two days and then I emailed him asking him out for a drink. Those with a heart condition might want to take a deep breath before they read the rest of this sentence as this might come as a terrible shock, but he has not responded to my emailed drink invitation.
Please, if anyone has seen my cool, could you just return it? No questions asked. Girl Scout's honor.
I'll be honest, the dorkiness could easily translate to "endearing and quirky" until the facebook. Facebook will be the death of all dignity one of these days. Just wait and see.
Yeah even if you are completely smooth the evening before, if you track him down on FB the next day, you are done, I know from experience.
You danced to Careless Whisper??? Was it the George Michael original or the Seether cover?
I never friend first. I can't believe I play hard to get on Facebook.
Wow, that story is... beyond awkward.
I've become a big fan of preemptive Facebook friending. Like for a wedding, I'll friend a bunch of people who are marked as "attending" the day before the actual event. Probably even creepier, but at least it gives me an icebreaker.
Ok, yes, that was a bit painful... BUT you get mad props for referencing The Stranger out of nowhere like that. So I think your cool is returning to you. Perhaps it just needs a little time to regenerate and grow back, like a lost lizard tail.
Don't feel bad, Anna... I never had any cool! At least you remember what it's like!
In my defense, this guy looked like Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. He was so hot, it was not fair.
Did you actually tell him he looked like Prince Eric? Please say yes.
No, I did not verbalize that sentiment. But, I'm sure that I said many equally goofy things.
Oh, I can so relate....
This story illustrates my absolute worst fear and the reason I never make the first move. Thank you for proving that my neuroses are not unfounded.
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