
December 31, 2009

Reader Submitted Oh No He Di'int: Quizzoffed

We're pretty ragged from our whirlwind jaunt to DC this week. What did we learn on our trip?
  1. Hot tubs solve all of life's problems.
  2. If we ever competed on America's Got Talent, picking up cute boys in dive bars is the skill we'd showcase to win the million dollar grand prize.
  3. We wanna make a shirt and/or bumper sticker that says, "Have you hugged a rapper today?" Because, for some reason, we hugged a LOT of rappers in a short amount of time. And, they were really great huggers! Honestly, it felt like getting a rubdown from a Sharper Image chair. As Ferris Bueller instructed us, if you have the means, we highly recommend picking one up.
As we sleep it off, we're gonna run a few reader submissions. Here's one from our lovely reader Trisha who doesn't get what this whole quizzo bizness is all about:
“Wanna get together for lunch or dinner/drinks this week?” he texted. I responded without hesitation so he'd feel encouraged and know I’m enthusiastic about the idea. “Sure, how’s Wednesday?” He replied, “I play quizzo Wednesday nights, but I could skip that if you want.” All of my enthusiasm suddenly came to a screeching halt. If I answered with, “Skip that so we can get warm and fuzzy with each other,” he’ll resent me for missing out on all of the Quizzo fun.
So I take the safe route--with an embedded test of his desire--and volley back, “Either one. I’m good for lunch or dinner.” He said, “Let’s do a nice long lunch.” Realllly? He chose Quizzo over me?

I don’t know what this stupid game is other than having something to do with trivia and pints of beer. Now I don’t want to know. I will never play this dumbass game. What red-blooded American male chooses a trivia game over being with a hot chick? Everyone knows a weekday lunch precludes any nooky. You meet, smile gratuitously, flirt, sip one glass of wine, give a hug and a peck and you’re on your way back to work. Now dinner and drinks, that’s a different story. Sexy clothes, pomegranate martinis, getting a flushed feeling in all the right spots; that date is good to go!

And so he went...to Quizzo.
As frequent quizzo players, we can attest that it's fun, but it's the same thing every time you go. As you said, it's three or four rounds of trivia coupled with copious amounts of beer drinking. It's like sports for people who don't play sports, kinda like mind football. It's not as if he's gonna miss anything if he doesn't show up for a week though. Shrug. We bet that he has a smelly car and a crappy Dell laptop computer. You're better off without him.


Khop said...

I'm pretty reluctant to give up a weekly ritual with my friends for a date (ie Quizzo) his fatal error was letting you know about it.....

Anna said...

Maybe he should've invited her along. We always invite guys we're seeing to our quizzo night. That way, if they don't know answers or--even worse--give us the wrong answers, we can give him the boot at the end of the night.

Khop said...

True. Ideal way to kill two birds with one stone, testing both social skill and general utility. God bless efficiency....

Unknown said...

ok, invite guys you're seeing to quizzo. cool.
but would it work as a first date? in the situation above, should he have asked her to come along? i'm not arguing, i'm really curious what a lady's opinion of that would be.

Anonymous said...

thanks for publishing my submission anna. love the title Quizzoffed.

Anna said...

Oh yeah, I would totally play quizzo on a first date! I think it's a great idea. If he pays for all of my beers and holds my hand under the table, I'm thrilled.

In fact, this is making me wanna go on a quizzo date. Anyone wanna take me?

Khop said...

I would go on a Quizzo w/ his friends first date, but I'd have to say I would never bring him out with my friends on a first date - waaaaaay too many moving parts to that equation:

(New Boy + My Jerk Friends) X First Date = Minefield

I get the shakes just thinking about it...

Jon K said...

Quizzo is awesome and the correct scenario is the one where you go with him and have fun together. Both chosing the game over you without inviting you along AND calling something he clearly likes doing 'stupid' were the wrong call.

I mean honestly I'd easily choose a situation where I can see a girl flex her sexy brain muscles and share a beer with over pomegranite martinis and forced small talk in uncomfortable clothes any day.

Anonymous said...

agreed my calling quizzo stupid was an immature reaction. you know what they say, it's not the years, it's the years in maturity. anyway, i wished i was invited along. i'm down with beers and a little competition as much as the next gal, it was the lunch invite that was the buzzkill.

SophiaAP said...

If you guys were able to find - much less PICK UP - cute guys in dive bars in DC then I fully support your winning a million dollars for this talent. Cute guys and dive bars are tough to find down here...

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