Haha. What did you say? *turns down the car stereo* Can you repeat that? How do you NOT know the words to this song? Nevermind the song, you don't even know the words to the first stanza? Are you a foreign exchange student? Were you raised by wolves?"She's got a smile and it means to me/
Reminds me of uh huh uh huh/
Where every uh huh uh huh/
Bright blue SKY (sky, sky)"
I mean I could understand being foggy about the words to "Paradise City." Axl gets kinda garbled in that low register. No one knows the words; that's ok. But drawing a blank to the beginning of "Sweet Child O' Mine?" That's fucktarded!
What's that? You're not a big lyric guy? Well, I'm an intense "lyric girl," to use your terminology. I look up lyrics online to make sure that I know what the hell I'm singing along to. I'm still baffled at the lyrics to Animal Collective's song "My Girls": "I don't mean to seem like I/ Care about material things/ Like a social status." Social status IS NOT A MATERIAL THING! Are they on drugs? Wait, don't answer that. They are totally on drugs. There's no other excuse for such a lazy lyric. Seriously, I want to give that lyric the finger.
No, I won't settle down. I have strong opinions about song lyrics, their logic and the subsequent memorization of them. That's just how I roll.
Were you being ironic in wondering if Animal Collective were on drugs? Because it should be pretty obvious (and I love them for it).
They had to be on drugs because that line makes no fuckin' sense.
That is me through and through... I generally care more about the music than the lyrics, and I've loved many songs who have poorly written lyrics, but are great musically and have never liked a song that sucked musically but has brilliant lyrics... I think.
It's almost like that one song, that says ".....
How do you feel about singing along to Pearl Jam?
Not gonna lie: "Hunger Strike" is really fun to sing along to. It's not technically PJ, but close enough.
Do you do both parts or just the Eddie Vedder part?
It depends on if I have someone to duet with!
I'm in, whenever I am in Philly of course!
I was in a band several years ago, and we would play "Dancing in the Streets." The girl who was singing (a good friend of mine) would sing the first verse twice ("We're dancing in Chicago") instead of the second verse ("Philadelphia PA"), even when we were playing IN PHILADELPHIA. It killed me. I almost threw a drumstick at her.
the music always draws me in, but when the lyrics are amazing, the song climbs to crazy intense status on my scale. i'm glad you're a stickler on this one, anna.
Hahaha...great post.
I could have written this post...absolutely hilarious and absolutely true. And the worst lyric people I've found? SINGERS. Dude, you are the "singer" your JOB is to know the LYRICS.
Thanks for another hilarious start to my day! Love the blog!
I want to facebook like this post. I'm totally an intense lyric girl too! I was completely baffled when my (now ex-)boyfriend told me that he never pays any attention to lyrics. How is that even possible??
I'm a lyric guy, sometimes I just feel my lyrics are better.
I cannot fully enjoy a song until I'm able to sing along with at least 90% of the lyrics. It makes no sense because I'm a terrible singer. Why being able to sing over the paid professional makes the experience better for me, I will never be able to explain.
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