He's getting all into it, using his hands to emphasize the lyrics. His voice mimics Eddie Vedder's comically low baritone until he reaches the chorus when he switches to Chris Cornell's ear-curdling falsetto. Wow. Just, wow.
This is probably the funniest song a guy can sing to me when we're walking down the street leaving the bar slightly buzzed. IT WILL ALWAYS BE FUNNY, like seeing people trip on the street or trading Eastbound and Down quotes with your best friends.
I love love love your "love love love" posts. Keep it up! OXO
"Ah'm goin' hun-gryyyyyy..." (Cornell: "HUN-GRAY-EEE-YEAH!")
I sing the song in exactly the way you described and would love to hear a guy do it too :)
my boyfriend sings this all the time! i usually do chris cornells back up squawking!
my dude sings all sorts of terrible music outloud like that...nickelback, daughtry, all that junk ha
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