
September 18, 2008

Throw Your Hat In The Ring: Win A Copy Of Dating Makes You Want to Die (But You Have to Do It Anyway)

We had the opportunity to sit down with the very awesome Ms. Dorothy Robinson last night to talk about her new book, Dating Makes You Want To Die: (But You Have To Do It Anyway). We love the book because it is a very funny, well-written guide to not killing yourself when you are on the dating treadmill. Co-authored with a dude, it gives both perspectives on typical dating issues. It's like having a cool older brother and older sister sit you down to tell it like it is.

And, we have two copies of the book to give away to you, our dear readers. Here's the deal: We are going to have Dorothy guest answer two of your "Dear Shmitten Kitten" questions. The two people who submit the best questions for her to answer will win a copy of her book. Capiche? This is your chance to tap into her expertise. Don't sleep on this, America!

We'll pick the winners next week so you have a few days to get it together. Submit your queries to us at hi@shmittenkitten.com with "I Want That Book!" in the title. Help us help you.


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